Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra engagement is the hottest topic in Hollywood and Bollywood. The couple is not in limelight due to their engagement or wedding, but they are due to their age difference. You all are must aware with American versatile celebrity Nick Jonas, who is a singer, actor, songwriter, and record producer but you may not aware with Priyanka Chopra, who is also an actress, singer, and producer. The couple has become the headline for many news channels because they have recently decided to get married and exchanged their engagement rings. Their fans are looking for the Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Age difference. They have a huge age difference but still, their relationship is perfect because it seems both are made for each other. In this article, you will learn about the How Old is Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra, that shows a major age difference of this couple.

How old is Nick Jonas?

Fans are looking for how old in Nick Jonas? Nick Jonas was born on 16 September 1992. According to his date of birth, Nick Jonas Age is 25 years in 2018 and now he is going to step into his 26th year of age in September 2018.

How old is Priyanka Chopra?

If you don’t know how old is Priyanka Chopra, then first check his date of Birth which is 18 July 1982. Priyanka Chopra age is 36 years in 2018 according to her birthday.

Difference between Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra Age:

Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra have proved that age is just a number. Love is blind and you may fall in love with ten years elder or younger partner. Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas case are the same, as the couple has 10 years difference in their age. As in 2018, Nick’s age is 25 years and Priyanka’s age is 36 years which means there is more than 10 years gap. But still the couple looks so cute together and they are going to get married soon.  So check How Old Is Nick Jonas And Priyanka Chopra in detail.

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