In this article, the author discusses the five worst aspects of Madden 24, highlighting issues with presentation, customization, Superstar Mode position selection, MUT Draft, and the lack of cross-play for the franchise mode. The presentation lacks significant improvements, lacking elements such as a good halftime show and updated commentary team. Customization options remain limited, with the inability to create a team or customize gear colors and tattoos. The Superstar Mode restricts position selection, hindering player choice. MUT Draft has been overlooked and requires substantial updates. The absence of cross-play in the franchise mode disappoints players who desire a larger player pool and more active communities. Additionally, the availability of in-game currency poses frustrations, leading some players to purchase Madden 24 coins from unauthorized sources.
Now, let’s talk about the five worst aspects of Madden 24, in my opinion. First and foremost is the presentation. I’ve been talking about this issue on this channel for years. It’s been a problem in Madden, even during its best years. The presentation could be done better, although they have made some updates over the years to make the game feel fresher, there hasn’t been much progress overall. Unfortunately, this year is no exception. The only improvement they made is in the in-game performances. There’s more emotion, trash-talking, shoving, and taunting between players, which adds realism and vibrancy to the game. However, aside from that, there’s still a lot of room for improvement in the presentation. There’s no good halftime show, no updated commentary team or additional commentators, and no different branding for prime-time games, like ESPN or CBS.
The second issue on the list is customization. Without a doubt, this is the next major problem for me, and I’ve been discussing this issue for years as well. Thankfully, we did get some incremental updates, but what we really want is the ability to create a team, and hopefully, that will happen in the future. Other major sports games have the ability to create a team, but we don’t have that feature. We used to have options like creating plays and creating fans, but those are no longer available. We still can’t customize gear colors or add custom tattoos to players, even though these features have been discussed as possible additions. Despite the community’s interest in these features, it’s frustrating that they haven’t been implemented yet.
The third issue: Superstar Mode position selection. Now, I know I’ve said that the Superstar Mode is one of the best things because it’s back, and it’s great to see its return. Having the combination of games is fantastic, and having something better than the “Career Mode” is also great. However, one major drawback of this mode compared to the old Superstar Mode is that you still can’t choose any position you want. They urgently need to address this issue, especially with the upcoming NCAA version next year. If you’re playing “Road to Glory” in the NCAA version, you should be able to choose any position. I believe it will eventually be in Madden because the NCAA career has to seamlessly transition into the Madden career. This is likely the reason they reintroduced the Superstar Mode. However, it still hasn’t fully developed to allow the selection of every position. You can’t be a kicker, a pass rusher, a tight end, or an offensive lineman. So, for me, this is a negative aspect of the game because I believe it should be standard.
The fourth issue: MUT Draft. Unlike regular MUT, MUT Draft (previously known as Draft Champions) is a mode that many people enjoy because it doesn’t require spending money to play. You can enter this mode and use players from your Ultimate Team in a draft format. Each round, you select random players and compete against other players’ draft teams. It provides a fair arena to experience the Ultimate Team in a way that doesn’t involve playing the traditional mode. Even non-MUT players enjoy MUT Draft. It’s a great concept, similar to the Battle Royale mode in “MLB The Show.” Madden already had a similar mode, but it has been gradually overlooked over the years. It hasn’t received substantial updates or cool additions. This mode has the potential to be one of the most significant and enjoyable aspects of the game. If EA puts in some effort, Madden can reach new heights.
The fifth issue: No cross-play for the franchise mode. This is disappointing because the franchise mode is an area where cross-play could be highly beneficial. It would make it easier to fill leagues and create more active communities with a larger pool of players to choose from. EA has stated that cross-play will eventually be introduced to the franchise mode, but it won’t be available at launch. This is likely because they want to ensure everything runs smoothly and avoid the major issues experienced in Madden 23. They cannot afford more significant bugs, glitches, server problems, or corrupted files. It is understandable that they want to take their time and not rush cross-play into the franchise mode. We would all prefer a functioning franchise mode without cross-play rather than a mode with cross-play that has issues. They have confirmed that cross-play is coming, but the exact timing, whether it will be in a Madden 24 update or in Madden 25, is uncertain. However, it is safe to assume that cross-play won’t be available in Madden 24, and at the very least, it won’t be available for the first few months. If you were looking forward to cross-play, this will undoubtedly be one of the downsides of Madden 24.
In addition to these concerns, there is another aspect that some players may find frustrating: the availability of in-game currency. Madden Ultimate Team (MUT) is a popular mode where players can build and manage their dream teams. However, acquiring the necessary resources, such as coins, to improve your team can be a time-consuming process. Many players resort to purchasing Madden 24 coins from third-party websites like buymmog to expedite their progress.
As the game progresses and evolves, EA may introduce new methods or adjustments to address the concerns surrounding in-game currency. It is advisable to stay updated with official announcements and channels for any changes in the game’s policies and guidelines.
In conclusion, while Madden 24 has its merits, these aspects, along with the challenges of acquiring in-game currency, pose significant concerns for players. It is important to stay informed about potential updates from EA to address these issues and to prioritize fair play and healthy competition.