MacBook makes you feel on top of the world with its speed and great design. It helps you up your productivity and be at your best in terms of work. And there’s something else you can do to make the MacBook work like a true magic device. Mac keyboard shortcuts or Mac shortcut keys, are a quick and smart way to perform tasks faster and boost productivity on your Mac. These commands will help you save time and effort. Here’s the list of the most useful Mac shortcuts.
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- Command-Tab (⌘+Tab) – Application Switcher
The Command-Tab shortcut is the go-to method for switching between open applications on your Mac. Hold down Command and press Tab to switch through your open apps. So when you want to watch some interesting video on YouTube to take a break from work, simply use this command.
But there are odd situations that can leave you in a fix. One of them is trying to watch a video and finding that volume is not optimal or is not at all there. Now, this can be really troublesome for any Mac user and sometimes a workaround is also not easy. You might feel that Mac volume locked needs some expertise. But that’s really not the case if the volume button on Mac not working or not responding after you give the command. Refer to the guide here in the link and you will see that it’s easy to overcome this technical problem. You will be able to process the volume controls on Mac and enjoy whatever you intend to do – listening to music or watching an informational video.
- Command-C (⌘+C) – Copy
This is the first one on the list of MacBook shortcuts. Copying text or files is a common task. This shortcut makes it a breeze. Select the text or file you want to copy, press Command-C, and it’s stored in your clipboard. You can then paste it elsewhere using Command-V.
- Command-X (⌘+X) – Cut
Similar to copying, cutting text or files is done by using Command-X. After cutting, you can paste it elsewhere, and the original is removed.
- Command-V (⌘+V) – Paste
After copying or cutting, use Command-V to paste the content from your clipboard to the desired location. It’s a fundamental shortcut for moving text or files.
- Command-A (⌘+A) – Select All
You can make selecting all the text in a document or all files in a folder easy with Command-A. This useful Mac select all shortcut saves you the time and effort of manually highlighting everything.
- Command-W (⌘+W) – Close window shortcut Mac
To close the active window, use Command-W. This shortcut is so helpful when you have multiple windows or tabs open. It allows you to quickly close what you don’t need.
- Command-F (⌘+F) – Mac Search Shortcut
Searching for specific text within a document or a web page? Command-F brings up the search bar, making it easy to find and highlight the text you’re looking for.
- F3 on Mac – Expose View
Pressing F3 on Mac activates Exposé, allowing you to see all open windows at once. This is really helpful if you’re multitasking and need to quickly switch between applications or find a specific window.
- Command-Space (⌘+Space) – Spotlight Search
The Command-Space combination opens Spotlight Search. It’s a powerful tool for quickly locating files, apps, and information on your Mac. Start typing and Spotlight will find what you’re looking for.
- Command Shift-3 (⌘+Shift+3) – Screenshot Entire Screen
Need to capture your entire screen? Press Command-Shift-3 to take a screenshot of the entire display. The image will be saved to your desktop.
- Control-Click (Ctrl+Click) – Right-Click to ctrl a Mac
MacBooks typically lack a dedicated right-click button. But worry not. You can simulate it with Control-Click. Find ctrl on Mac. Hold down the Control key while clicking. You’ll access the right-click context menu for the selected item.
We are sure you will find this list impressive. These shortcuts cover a wide range of tasks and functions. So if you’re looking for useful Mac shortcuts to streamline your workflow or commands for Macs to simplify everyday tasks, these shortcuts are the ones to learn. So, take the time to familiarize yourself with these Mac keys and you’ll start noticing the difference in your productivity level pretty soon. So what are you waiting for – start practicing these one by one right away.